About Crossroads
Our Address
The Crossroads Fellowship's office is at 1451 E Twin Lakes Rd, Hillsboro, IN 47949.
Our Mission
Crossroads Fellowship seeks to help equip pastors, encourage churches, and promote cooperative projects.
Our Members
Any church that agrees with our statement of faith and desires to pursue our mission with their time, talent, and treasure may join Crossroads Fellowship. Application Form
Our Executive Director

Jon Beight is the Director of the Crossroads Fellowship. He has served as a youth pastor, associate pastor, and church planter, and currently serves as the Executive Director of Twin Lakes Camp & Conference Center as well. Jon desires to assist churches in becoming all that Jesus intended. Jon is also a Certified Guide for Malphurs Group and can assist your church with strategic planning and implementation.
You can email Jon at indianapastors@gmail.com or call the Twin Lakes Camp office at 765-798-4000.
Our Board of Directors
The Board of Directors is composed of elected representatives from member churches. These men assist the Executive Director in leading the fellowship to fulfill our mission. Please feel free to contact these men.
Chase Ringler, Aboite Baptist Church, Ft. Wayne-260-432-2001
David Guess, Faith Fellowship Church, Valparaiso - 219.548.858
Doug Murray, First Baptist Church, Kouts,-219.766.3319
Jeff Hoenshell, Rock Point Church, Crawfordsville -765-362-5494
Kevin Alber, Grace Baptist, Frankfort, (Secretary/Treasurer) (765) 659-2312
Nathan Eikenberry, Cornerstone Baptist Church, Lafayette - 765.418.1737
Ned Sutherland, First Baptist Church, Russiaville - 765.427.2494
Steve Whicker, East Side Baptist Church, Crawfordsville - 765.362.1785 (Chairman)
Doctrinal Statement of Beliefs & Bylaws & Bylaws