Ministry Partners
General Association of Regular Baptist Churches: Our national partner. “Making disciples through healthy local churches” is the heartbeat of the General Association of Regular Baptist Churches, a voluntary partnership of independent Baptist churches committed to the Great Commission mandate. Since its beginning in 1932, the GARBC has been synonymous with an allegiance to the Word of God, a focus on the local church, and a passion for spreading the gospel worldwide.
Small Church USA: Our church renewal partner. Encouraging and strengthening pastors, pastors' wives, and churches to revitalize health with guilt-free pricing.
Paradigm1: Our pastor coach partner (especially brand new pastors) How does a pastor maintain responsible leadership while Jesus leads the church? The purpose of Paradigm One is to encourage and equip pastors, churches, and families to practice leadership and united prayer under the active headship of Christ.
Cedarville University: Our educational partner. Cedarville With more than 175 undergraduate and graduate programs of study, all taught from a distinctly biblical worldview, and a vibrant campus community of more than 5,000 students, Cedarville is fulfilling our mission to transform students’ lives.
Plant Indy: Our church planting partner. Planting churches in high-growth areas to raise up a generation of elder qualified missionaries to reach the world.
Church Funerals Direct: Our statewide funeral partner. A Christian-based licensed funeral home that operates throughout the state of Indiana and specializes in conducting funerals in churches; often at half the price that other funeral homes charge. Plus, to help further the ministry of the church, qualified Crossroads Fellowship churches receive various discounts and an annual funeral credit of $5,000 to be used toward the cost of funerals.